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What is enclosed in the ISM program?- Exploration of a career of study alongside a personal mentor - In-depth research of a career through extensive assessments, projects, and hands-on projects - Creation of a personal brand and resume - Development of communication skills through interviews, presentations, and speeches - Practice of professionalism through proper dress and behavior - Creation of an Original Product *Single Blocked Elective Class
How are mentors found?ISM students contact professionals in their chosen field and ask to interview them. This is called primary research and allows students to gather valuable information from these professionals. Later, students can reach out to the professionals they liked the best and ask for second interviews to gain more in-depth knowledge about their profession and the professionals themselves. After conducting a number of interviews, ISM students pick their favorite professional and ask them to be their mentor.
What kind of students prosper in ISM?- Students who are juniors or seniors - Students who are motivated and passionate about their career - Students who are respectful, responsible, and punctual - Students who are independent and have a strong work ethic - Students who conduct themselves professionally in and out of school, especially while going on research interviews and mentor visits - Students who are willing to gain exposure to their career through research, volunteer programs, and classes
Why take an interest in ISM?Students: - Expand their knowledge and understanding of their career - Prepare for college and their future career - Become more responsible, respectful, professional, and self-aware - Build a professional network - Recieve valuable advice from experienced professionals Mentors: - Have a leadership role - Teach students about their interest in the career field - Can offer students future employment and internship oppurtunities - Experience a personal connection with their students
When do students conduct these interviews and mentor visits? Is it during class?This depends on the professional and the student. The professional and student should communicate to find the best time and place for them to meet. For some students, this could be during their ISM classes. Other students may need to put in the extra effort to go before or after school for their mentor meetings, and still others may need to go during the school day and discuss makeup work with their teachers. It is the duty of every student to be responsible for completing their schoolwork before going for ISM meetings. Students who do not show responsibility will be promptly removed from the ISM program.
How often do ISM students visit their mentors? How do they get to the meeting locations?Students usually see their mentors for about an hour every week; If students go every other week, then they stay for longer (preferably 2 hours). This just depends on the mentor’s and student’s schedule. ISM students need to provide their own transportation to and from interviews and mentor visits. The ISM teacher does not take the students to these appointments.
What is the application process for ISM?Applications are available for students attending Memorial and Heritage here. 1. The application process includes an application form, essay, teacher recommendations, administrative confidentiality (based on academic eligibility, attendance, and behavior), and an interview. 2. Once the application form, essay, teacher recommendations, and administrative confidentiality have been reviewed by the ISM instructor, students who qualify for the interview process will be notified of their specified time slot with their instructor. 3. After the interview, students who placed in the program will find out through a list posted at the counselor's office by 4:00pm displaying their ID numbers or through an email. 4. Students will meet with their counselors to inform them that they have been selected for the ISM program to ensure the class is on their schedule.
If I want to become a mentor, what is the process for being approved as one? "Mentor Information can be found here.
Should I only select a career to study if I am 100% positive I want to pursue it?Not at all! If you want to select a topic you might want to explore as a possible career choice, that's great. It will help you discover whether you are truly passionate about that career, not to mention saving you plenty of time and money in college while deciding what you want to major in. Also, keep in mind that ISM 2 is available for those who take ISM their junior year. It offers an opportunity to explore a different topic of interest. If you don't like the topic you study your first year, feel free to choose a new career or topic to study.
What is ISM 2?ISM 2 is a class offered to students who took ISM their junior year. Not only does it present an opportunity to delve deeper into your chosen career, it also provides a chance to explore a different career. For example, a student may decide to study architecture one year and explore engineering the next. Students taking ISM 1 are not required to take ISM 2, but most who do are thrilled with the freedom the class provides. ISM 2 students are granted far more independence, and those that are especially dedicated are given the freedom to research and present topics of their choice to the first year students. ISM 2 students are expected to be an example for the first-year students, and they are given many opportunities to step up and take the lead. Even though ISM 2 is not a requirement, it is highly encouraged for those students who are truly passionate about what they do and show a strong work ethic their first year.
What do we actually do during ISM class?Students are given a list of assignments on the first day of every grading period. This allows them to work on their assignments at their own pace, and it establishes responsibility and timeliness. The fall semester is research-intensive, focused on exploring their chosen career and conducting informational interviews in order to select a mentor. Students are allowed to research anything related to their career and write about what they have learned in research assessments. Students are also expected to give various speeches about their research in front of their classes to build public speaking skills. Here is a list of assignments tasked throughout the year: - Research Assessments - Interview Assessments - Mentor Assessments - Evidence of Learning - Weekly Progress Blogs Mentor visits start in early or mid-December and continue until May. The spring semester focuses on mentor visits in which students conduct more hands-on research and learn from their mentors. The spring semester is also focused on creating an Original Product, the final culmination of all the student's research. The Original Product is a project of the student's choice in which they create a detailed, specific project that betters the world in some way. Whether it be a Mars Rover blueprint, a musical performace, or even a website or research poster, students have created all kinds of Products for all kinds of careers. Take a look at the Student Directory to find information about the students who have taken ISM before.
If I am a student guardian, what can I do to help them throughout the year?"While a guardian might be tempted to help, it is best to let the student experience the independent nature of this program. There might be bumps along the way for them, but their ability to manage their problems in a mature way will only help them develop that skill and find it beneficial for their professonial careers. Additionally, Mr. Pirtle, the ISM instructor for Heritage and Memorial, is always here to help the students find a solution to their obstacles and assist them in developing problem-solving skills.
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